
Friday, August 25, 2023

Prose and Purpose

I wrote a lot in my younger years.

I have several unfinished stories, scratched poems and uncountable musings.

I was able to finish one short story, which I submitted to the Palanca Awards contest - I didn't win but the euphoria of being able to finish something, have it printed, notarized, sealed, signed with my name and signature and mail off... is surreal.

I also managed to compile some of my writings into a book - it's not printed or published or anything - tho I do want to have it published or printed or something. At the moment I am not at capacity to pursue that so here I am having it published here.

You could say it's a little bit of poetry, or prose, or creative writing - or just writing. I don't know the best words to intro it but the summary, I feel, is best described by my chosen title:

It's not super amazing, but I hope there's something here that will resonate with you. Do let me know what you think, if you're compelled to.

Be well.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written and thought provoking. Please try to publish more if you’re able to!


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